April 3rd: Stick-lets featured on NPR's 'How You Built That' with Guy Raz following the interview with AOL's Steve Case. Have a listen!


This week’s “How You Built That”:  Stick-lets

About four years ago while in design school at RISD in Providence, Christina Kazakia was thinking about what she would do for her final thesis project.. On a walk one day, she noticed all the sticks on the ground and remembered the fun she’d had as a kid building forts. That’s when it hit her: she could design a toy that would get kids outside, and make it easy for them to build stuff with sticks. So, she went to the craft store, got some materials, and started tinkering. She came up with a product that she called Stick-lets—durable, reusable silicone joints that stretch to connect various sizes of scavenged sticks. While presenting the prototype at RISD, people started asking her where they could by them. So, Christina found a manufacturer and started to make them for real. They’re now sold online and in local toy stores around the world. Learn more about Stick-lets in our most recent episode: http://n.pr/2ot5urc,.

April 3rd: Stick-lets featured on NPR's 'How You Built That' with Guy Raz following the interview with AOL's Steve Case. Have a listen!


This week’s “How You Built That”:  Stick-lets

About four years ago while in design school at RISD in Providence, Christina Kazakia was thinking about what she would do for her final thesis project.. On a walk one day, she noticed all the sticks on the ground and remembered the fun she’d had as a kid building forts. That’s when it hit her: she could design a toy that would get kids outside, and make it easy for them to build stuff with sticks. So, she went to the craft store, got some materials, and started tinkering. She came up with a product that she called Stick-lets—durable, reusable silicone joints that stretch to connect various sizes of scavenged sticks. While presenting the prototype at RISD, people started asking her where they could by them. So, Christina found a manufacturer and started to make them for real. They’re now sold online and in local toy stores around the world. Learn more about Stick-lets in our most recent episode: http://n.pr/2ot5urc,.


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